Reading the article about the “gold farms” in China made me wonder how there could actually be a business based off playing video games. Workers are usually forced to do one hard labor job during the day and then play video games for 12 hours every single day. These working conditions are inhumane and I do not understand how the government has not taken further steps to shut these underground “gold farms” down. It is true legislation was passed that made it illegal to sell online game tokens for money without a license, but the industry keeps growing. I believe steps need to be taken on both the sellers of these game tokens (many are from China) and the buyers of these tokens (mainly from Europe and the US) in addition to the workers who make the tokens. By shutting down or at least vamping up legal action against all three of these, I believe the industry will start to decline. However, at the moment, there seems to be no decline in sight. In another story of video gaming gone wrong, a young mother shook her 3 year old son to death after he interrupted her Facebook game, Farmville. Obviously, I think this shows how bad her anger coping problems were and if this had not happened, it probably would have happened at different time with a different stressor. A separate article stated how there seems to be a correlation between young children’s actions and violent video games. Teachers claimed that they had seen young students act out violent video game events, such as cars crashing and being mortally injured. For years now, there have been many claims and studies showing the negative effects video games could have on young children. For the most part, I think allowing children to play video games is okay and some are educational. I believe however, that children need to only be allowed to play games with the correct rating for their age and should not be allowed to plays games for hours on end. It is in cases where children are allowed to do both of these things or even one, where video games can become a problem. I think this is highlighted in the two stories above where video games have crossed a line from the virtual to the reality. However, one shining example of where this is good is through Jane McGonagall. She has worked on developing video games that will help everyone’s lives. All of these stories show the different facets of video games and in the end, I still think it is up to the gamer to decide which facet they choose.

deo gaming gone wrong, a young mother shook her 3 year old son to death after he interupted her Facebook game, Farmville. Obviosuly, I think this shows how bad her anger coping problems were and if this had not happened, it probably would have happened at different time with a different stressor. A seperate article stated how there seems to be a correlation between young children’s actions and violent video games. Teachers claimed that they had seen young students act out violent video game events, such as cars crashing and being mortally injured. For years now, there have been many  claims and studies showing the negative effects video games could have on young children. For the most part, I think allowing children to play viode games is okay and some are ediucational. I believe however, that children need to only be alowed to play games with the correct rating for their age and should not be allowed to plays games for hours on end. It is in cases where children are allowed to do both of these things or even one, where video games can become a problem. I think this is highlighted in the two stories above where video games have crossed a line from the virtual to the reaality. When people start seeing these games as 

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